To reach Siberia's labor camps in rough terrain, the prison administration provides helicopters to transport our outreach team and literature.
To reach Siberia's labor camps in rough terrain, the prison administration provides helicopters to transport our outreach team and literature.
AVC's history
On the move with God for the persecuted and needy
The impetus for founding AVC was a demonstration for Romanian pastors. Those were in prison, because after heavy flooding in 1970, they had accepted besides relief supplies also Bibles from a group of German pastors - a major crime committed by Romanian Christians behind what was then the Iron Curtain and punishable by imprisonment.
To stand up for those arrested, the Bible-carriers from Germany, including Gerhard Heinzmann, Ludwig Eisenlöffel, Hans Ollesch and Waldemar Sardaczuk, organized a rally in Cologne. AVC was set up as the organizer of the demonstration. Surprisingly, the court acquitted the Romanian pastors. AVC continued to work to further publicize the cause of the persecuted Christians and to mobilize support.
Growing international AVC family
In the meantime, the work has grown internationally and become a big family. Today, AVC includes independent organizations in Germany, Switzerland and Austria as well as the "Nehemia Christliches Hilfswerk e.V.". Together we are active in around 60 countries worldwide.

September 19 2022
Zeitzeuge: Protokoll
Alte AVC-Protokolle sind Fundgruben, die Aufschluss über Zeitgeist, Verhältnisse und Denkweise früherer Zeiten geben. Hier ein paar Auszüge. ...

May 12 2022
Auf Schleichwegen in die Gefahr
Idi Amin – der Schlächter von Afrika. Uganda war auch ein Jahr nach seinem Sturz geprägt von Gewalt und einem wirtschaftlichen Niedergang. Ein Rüc ...

February 21 2022
AVC - weil sie uns brauchen!
1972, im Gründungsjahr von AVC, brachte ein Mitarbeiter von seinem Besuch hinter dem Eisernen Vorhang den Bericht über das kurze Leben von Iwan Mo ...

January 25 2022
Blick zurück in Ehrfurcht
Sie waren Männer der ersten Stunde, brachten den Stein ins Rollen. Heute können sie auf eine Entwicklung zurückblicken, deren Ausmaß sie nie erwar ...

September 19 2022
Zeitzeuge: Protokoll
Alte AVC-Protokolle sind Fundgruben, die Aufschluss über Zeitgeist, Verhältnisse und Denkweise früherer Zeiten geben. Hier ein paar Auszüge. ...

May 12 2022
Auf Schleichwegen in die Gefahr
Idi Amin – der Schlächter von Afrika. Uganda war auch ein Jahr nach seinem Sturz geprägt von Gewalt und einem wirtschaftlichen Niedergang. Ein Rüc ...

February 21 2022
AVC - weil sie uns brauchen!
1972, im Gründungsjahr von AVC, brachte ein Mitarbeiter von seinem Besuch hinter dem Eisernen Vorhang den Bericht über das kurze Leben von Iwan Mo ...

January 25 2022
Blick zurück in Ehrfurcht
Sie waren Männer der ersten Stunde, brachten den Stein ins Rollen. Heute können sie auf eine Entwicklung zurückblicken, deren Ausmaß sie nie erwar ...

»I read the book 'Tortured for Christ' by Richard Wurmbrand. Meeting him and others who endured decades of imprisonment and torture made a deep impression on me. On a 'Bible smuggling trip' to Russia, I was arrested and interrogated - a tiny taste of what persecuted Christians suffer.«

"The encounters with persecuted people in various Eastern Bloc countries motivated me to take on the hardships and dangers of Bible smuggling. In 1987, I gave up my job as a construction manager to devote myself full-time to building up AVC Switzerland."

"As students in Erzhausen in the 1980s, my wife Ingeborg and I were invited to work at AVC in the clothing warehouse and learned about the suffering of Christians in the East. That moved us to later help found AVC Austria."

Feb, 1972
AVC Germany is born
Gerhard Heinzmann, Ludwig Eisenlöffel, Hans Ollesch, Waldemar Sardaczuk and others found AVC under the name »Action Committee for Persecuted Christians«.
AVC Germany is born
Gerhard Heinzmann, Ludwig Eisenlöffel, Hans Ollesch, Waldemar Sardaczuk and others found AVC under the name »Action Committee for Persecuted Christians«.
21st of Feb. 1972
First rally for persecuted Christians
AVC's first action is a demonstration in Cologne for imprisoned Romanian pastors. Their »crime«: accepting Bibles as part of aid shipments from Germany.
First rally for persecuted Christians
AVC's first action is a demonstration in Cologne for imprisoned Romanian pastors. Their »crime«: accepting Bibles as part of aid shipments from Germany.

Support behind the Iron Curtain
AVC visits the persecuted and families of imprisoned Christians in the territory of the former USSR - an important support and encouragement for those affected.
Support behind the Iron Curtain
AVC visits the persecuted and families of imprisoned Christians in the territory of the former USSR - an important support and encouragement for those affected.
Bible smuggling
Bibles have been smuggled into hermetically sealed countries by bold means and often at great risk. A precious treasure for the receivers!
Bible smuggling
Bibles have been smuggled into hermetically sealed countries by bold means and often at great risk. A precious treasure for the receivers!

Creating awareness
AVC repeatedly raises awareness in the “Western” world about the situation of the persecuted and organizes rallies against the imprisonment of Christians..
Creating awareness
AVC repeatedly raises awareness in the “Western” world about the situation of the persecuted and organizes rallies against the imprisonment of Christians..
Latin America | Brazil
AVC's involvement in Latin America begins with support for soup kitchens in Brazil.
Latin America | Brazil
AVC's involvement in Latin America begins with support for soup kitchens in Brazil.

Africa | Uganda
The road to state independence was painful for Uganda. AVC sends several containers with relief supplies, and courageous pastors from Germany visit the crisis area..
Africa | Uganda
The road to state independence was painful for Uganda. AVC sends several containers with relief supplies, and courageous pastors from Germany visit the crisis area..
Middle East | Lebanon
The first aid transport to the Middle East goes to Lebanon where civil wars were already alternating with cruel massacres and ceasefires.
Middle East | Lebanon
The first aid transport to the Middle East goes to Lebanon where civil wars were already alternating with cruel massacres and ceasefires.

AVC Switzerland is born
Since May 1st, 1987, AVC has officially been active from Switzerland. In 1988, through the commitment of Daniel Hofer, an independent association is founded. Under the name ACP, AVC works in the French-speaking part of Western Switzerland and in France near the border.
AVC Switzerland is born
Since May 1st, 1987, AVC has officially been active from Switzerland. In 1988, through the commitment of Daniel Hofer, an independent association is founded. Under the name ACP, AVC works in the French-speaking part of Western Switzerland and in France near the border.
Fall of the Berlin Wall
On November 9, 1989, the fall of the Berlin Wall marked the end of an era. A new era dawned for persecuted Christians, and new opportunities opened for AVC to support them.
Fall of the Berlin Wall
On November 9, 1989, the fall of the Berlin Wall marked the end of an era. A new era dawned for persecuted Christians, and new opportunities opened for AVC to support them.

Nehemia Christliches Hilfswerk e.V. is founded
For a better implementation of the humanitarian work, AVC Germany founds Nehemia Christliches Hilfswerk e.V.
Nehemia Christliches Hilfswerk e.V. is founded
For a better implementation of the humanitarian work, AVC Germany founds Nehemia Christliches Hilfswerk e.V.
Asia | Russia
A first Russian plane carrying relief supplies from AVC is flying to Krasnoyarsk in Siberia; a second in September to the Urals and a third to Bratsk.
Asia | Russia
A first Russian plane carrying relief supplies from AVC is flying to Krasnoyarsk in Siberia; a second in September to the Urals and a third to Bratsk.

Nehemiah Czech Republic is founded
For many years AVC supported persecuted Christians in the Czech Republic. Now a new AVC ministry, Nehemiah Czech Republic, emerges to support projects outside the Czech Republic. In 2013, Nehemiah Czech Republic becomes a partner organization of AVC International.
Nehemiah Czech Republic is founded
For many years AVC supported persecuted Christians in the Czech Republic. Now a new AVC ministry, Nehemiah Czech Republic, emerges to support projects outside the Czech Republic. In 2013, Nehemiah Czech Republic becomes a partner organization of AVC International.
AVC Austria is founded
Thanks to the commitment of Edwin and Ingeborg Jung, AVC has been active in Austria since 1995. The official foundation of the association takes place in 2010.
AVC Austria is founded
Thanks to the commitment of Edwin and Ingeborg Jung, AVC has been active in Austria since 1995. The official foundation of the association takes place in 2010.
AVC Italy is founded
In 2015, the association ACP Italia for Italy and Italian-speaking Switzerland is formed. 2017, it becomes official partner organization of AVC.
AVC Italy is founded
In 2015, the association ACP Italia for Italy and Italian-speaking Switzerland is formed. 2017, it becomes official partner organization of AVC.

Feb, 1972
AVC Germany is founded
Gerhard Heinzmann, Ludwig Eisenlöffel, Hans Ollesch, Waldemar Sardaczuk and others found AVC under the name "Action Committee for Persecuted Christians".
AVC Germany is founded
Gerhard Heinzmann, Ludwig Eisenlöffel, Hans Ollesch, Waldemar Sardaczuk and others found AVC under the name "Action Committee for Persecuted Christians".

Behind the Iron Curtain
AVC visits the persecuted and families of imprisoned Christians in the territory of the former USSR - an important support and encouragement for those affected.
Behind the Iron Curtain
AVC visits the persecuted and families of imprisoned Christians in the territory of the former USSR - an important support and encouragement for those affected.

Creating awareness
AVC repeatedly raises awareness in the “Western” world about the situation of the persecuted and organizes rallies against the imprisonment of Christians.
Creating awareness
AVC repeatedly raises awareness in the “Western” world about the situation of the persecuted and organizes rallies against the imprisonment of Christians.

Africa | Uganda
The road to state independence was painful for Uganda. AVC sends several containers with relief supplies, and courageous pastors from Germany visit the crisis area.
Africa | Uganda
The road to state independence was painful for Uganda. AVC sends several containers with relief supplies, and courageous pastors from Germany visit the crisis area.
Fall of the Berlin Wall
On November 9, 1989, the fall of the Berlin Wall marked the end of an era. A new era dawned for persecuted Christians, and new opportunities opened for AVC to support them.
Fall of the Berlin Wall
On November 9, 1989, the fall of the Berlin Wall marked the end of an era. A new era dawned for persecuted Christians, and new opportunities opened for AVC to support them.

Nehemia Christliches Hilfswerk e.V. is founded
For a better implementation of the humanitarian work, AVC Germany founds Nehemia Christliches Hilfswerk e.V.
Nehemia Christliches Hilfswerk e.V. is founded
For a better implementation of the humanitarian work, AVC Germany founds Nehemia Christliches Hilfswerk e.V.
AVC Austria is founded
Thanks to the commitment of Edwin and Ingeborg Jung, AVC has been active in Austria since 1995. The official foundation of the association takes place in 2010.
AVC Austria is founded
Thanks to the commitment of Edwin and Ingeborg Jung, AVC has been active in Austria since 1995. The official foundation of the association takes place in 2010.
21st of Feb. 1972
First rally for persecuted Christians
AVC's first action is a demonstration in Cologne for imprisoned Romanian pastors. Their »crime«: accepting Bibles as part of aid shipments from Germany.
First rally for persecuted Christians
AVC's first action is a demonstration in Cologne for imprisoned Romanian pastors. Their »crime«: accepting Bibles as part of aid shipments from Germany.

Bible smuggling
Bibles have been smuggled into hermetically sealed countries by bold means and often at great risk. A precious treasure for the receivers!
Bible smuggling
Bibles have been smuggled into hermetically sealed countries by bold means and often at great risk. A precious treasure for the receivers!

Latin America | Brazil
AVC's involvement in Latin America begins with support for soup kitchens in Brazil.
Latin America | Brazil
AVC's involvement in Latin America begins with support for soup kitchens in Brazil.

Middle East | Lebanon
The first aid transport to the Middle East goes to Lebanon where civil wars were already alternating with cruel massacres and ceasefires.
Middle East | Lebanon
The first aid transport to the Middle East goes to Lebanon where civil wars were already alternating with cruel massacres and ceasefires.

AVC Switzerland is born
Since May 1st, 1987, AVC has officially been active from Switzerland. In 1988, through the commitment of Daniel Hofer, an independent association is founded. Under the name ACP, AVC works in the French-speaking part of Western Switzerland and in France near the border.
AVC Switzerland is born
Since May 1st, 1987, AVC has officially been active from Switzerland. In 1988, through the commitment of Daniel Hofer, an independent association is founded. Under the name ACP, AVC works in the French-speaking part of Western Switzerland and in France near the border.
Asia | Russia
A first Russian plane carrying relief supplies from AVC is flying to Krasnoyarsk in Siberia; a second in September to the Urals and a third to Bratsk.
Asia | Russia
A first Russian plane carrying relief supplies from AVC is flying to Krasnoyarsk in Siberia; a second in September to the Urals and a third to Bratsk.

Nehemiah Czech Republic is founded
For many years AVC supported persecuted Christians in the Czech Republic. Now a new AVC ministry, Nehemiah Czech Republic, emerges to support projects outside the Czech Republic. In 2013, Nehemiah Czech Republic becomes a partner organization of AVC International.
Nehemiah Czech Republic is founded
For many years AVC supported persecuted Christians in the Czech Republic. Now a new AVC ministry, Nehemiah Czech Republic, emerges to support projects outside the Czech Republic. In 2013, Nehemiah Czech Republic becomes a partner organization of AVC International.
AVC Italy is founded
In 2015, the association ACP Italia for Italy and Italian-speaking Switzerland is formed. 2017, it becomes official partner organization of AVC.
AVC Italy is founded
In 2015, the association ACP Italia for Italy and Italian-speaking Switzerland is formed. 2017, it becomes official partner organization of AVC.


Vorgetäuschte Panne in der Ukraine
Vorgetäuschte Panne in der Ukraine
Vorgetäuschte Panne in der Ukraine