»Without the ›Center for Change‹ and God's help, I would have been back in jail a long time ago.«
»Without the ›Center for Change‹ and God's help, I would have been back in jail a long time ago.«
Joining the EU does not automatically solve a country's problems. Unemployment and poverty have depopulated many regions in Bulgaria. Corruption at all levels leads many to resignation.
We support local community, children's and youth work
We support local community, children's and youth work
›Center for Change‹: We provide shelter for the homeless in oder to integrate the socially excluded. more
›Center for Change‹: We provide shelter for the homeless in oder to integrate the socially excluded. more
We run second hand shops to fund local church and social projects
We run second hand shops to fund local church and social projects
We do refugee work, providing pastoral support and supply of products for daily needs
We do refugee work, providing pastoral support and supply of products for daily needs
Bulgaria is a regular recipient country of our »Aktion Weihnachtspäckli« (Christmas parcels action) more
Bulgaria is a regular recipient country of our »Aktion Weihnachtspäckli« (Christmas parcels action) more

Capital: Sofia
Area: 108 498 km2
Population: 6,9 Mio.
Life expectancy: 75,3 years
Children mortality: 8,14 (per 1000)
Alphabetization: 98,4 %
Religions: 59,4 % Orthodox Christians, 7,8 % Muslims, 1,7 % other (Catholics, Protestants, Armenian Apostolic Orthodox and Jews included), 3,7 % no religion, 27,4 % unspecified