»In the third poorest country, active and successful Islamization began a few years ago. It's time for the Church to wake up and make Jesus the center.«
»In the third poorest country, active and successful Islamization began a few years ago. It's time for the Church to wake up and make Jesus the center.«


Burundi is a landlocked country in East Africa and ranks third among the poorest countries in the world. The country has one of the highest population densities per km2 - about 40% of them are under 15 years of age. For several years, the country has made great strides in education. However, progress is still needed in the political and economic spheres to lift the country out of poverty.
Through training in agriculture and sewing, excluded Christians regain their footing
Through training in agriculture and sewing, excluded Christians regain their footing
Weekly door-to-door crusades bring Jesus, healing and freedom to the heavily animist and Muslim context more
Weekly door-to-door crusades bring Jesus, healing and freedom to the heavily animist and Muslim context more
Capital: Bujumbura
Area: 27 800 km2
Population: 13 mio.
Life expectancy: 62 years
Children mortality: 37 (per 1000)
Alphabetization: 75 %
Religions: 58,6 % Rom.-Catholic, 35,3 % Protestants, 3,4 % Muslims, 2,6 % other

Our partner in Burundi can hardly be stopped. Whether it's a training center for self-sufficiency, visiting services for the lonely, vacation camps for young people, large-scale evangelistic campaigns, and much more - love for Jesus drives the local team to work on all possible fronts for the local people and their holistic renewal. An impressive insight into a remarkable work.

Video in German

Our partner in Burundi can hardly be stopped. Whether it's a training center for self-sufficiency, visiting services for the lonely, vacation camps for young people, large-scale evangelistic campaigns, and much more - love for Jesus drives the local team to work on all possible fronts for the local people and their holistic renewal. An impressive insight into a remarkable work.

Video in German
Up to 800 small groups with adults and young people have been founded in recent years. Operating regional and interdenominational, they take on social responsibility in helping the poor, start working in the area of microbusiness and share the good news on a weekly basis.
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