Iraq has been a war-torn country for decades. Ongoing fighting between the army and armed IS groups has forced more and more people to flee and deepened the humanitarian crisis in the country. Poverty, uncertainty, bombings, flight and fear are part of the sad reality for the general population.
Camp A and Camp J: Evangelistic & humanitarian support of two small refugee camps in Northern Iraq more
Camp A and Camp J: Evangelistic & humanitarian support of two small refugee camps in Northern Iraq more
Radio work in Baghdad: Evangelistic radio programs and humanitarian aid for the needy
Radio work in Baghdad: Evangelistic radio programs and humanitarian aid for the needy
Relief supplies: Targeted delivery or purchase of relief supplies as needed
Relief supplies: Targeted delivery or purchase of relief supplies as needed

Capital: Bagdad
Area: 438 000 km2
Population: 40 Mio.
Life expectancy: 73 years
Children mortality: 20 (per 1000)
Alphabetization: 50 %
Religions: 98% Muslims, 1% Christians, 1% other