»During the revival in the 1990s, mountains of wheelchairs piled up in churches. Today, the country needs new spiritual revival.«
»During the revival in the 1990s, mountains of wheelchairs piled up in churches. Today, the country needs new spiritual revival.«


Togo in West Africa was a German colony until 1916. The infrastructure created at that time in the form of railway lines and schools is still referred to today. However, the fact that Togo - together with Benin and Ghana - is the country of origin of the voodoo cult has an even stronger impact on the present. Strong occult forces are still at work in Togo. This is compounded by increasing Islamisation.
Pioneer training
Pioneer training
Church planting
Church planting
Capital: Lomé
Area: 56 385 km2
Population: 8,7 mio.
Life expectancy: 71,7 years
Children mortality: 39,8 (out of 1000)
Alphabetization: 66,5 %
Religions: 42,3 % Christians, 36,9 % Folk religions, 14 % Muslims, 6,8 % others
Evangelism in the close environment
Our pioneers have a vision for the unreached people groups of Togo. Through their influence in their daily work, they can practically share the Good News in a personal way.
Slogan Footer
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