Russia has other dimensions, there everything is gigantic. 9000 km from west to east, 4000 km from north to south. Temperature ranges from plus 40° C in summer to minus 70° C in winter. The problems are also gigantic. More than 70 peoples in the vastness of Siberia and behind the Arctic Circle are threatened with extinction. Most of them have not yet heard the Good News. And it's hard to get to them.

Capital: Moskow
Area: 17 098 242 km2
Population: 141,7 Mio.
Life expectancy: 71,9 years
Children mortality: 6,5 (per 1000)
Alphabetization: 99,7 %
Religions: 15 to 20 % Russian Orthodox, 10 to 15 % Muslims, 20 % other Christians, a huge number of non-believers