Tanzania - the Unreached
Ha - and others
Ha stands for a challenge that we also face in Tanzania.
Our staff is closely involved with Tanzanian community movements. These are increasingly focusing on the unreached peoples in their own country. Although a good half of the population of mainland Tanzania is Christian, there are still unreached people groups in this country as well. And the islands of Mafia and Zanzibar, which belong to Tanzania, are nearly 100% Muslim. AVC supports dozens of church planters and pastors in several parts of the country.
We pay special attention to regions where Jesus is not known. For example, in addition to unreached people groups in the southern part of Tanzania on the border with Mozambique, we also have the Ha on our radar.
The Ha tribe, with about two million members, settles in the region around Lake Tanganyika in western Tanzania and Burundi. The Ha practice agriculture and – where there are no tsetse flies - also cattle breeding. Cattle, goats, and other livestock are highly valued in Ha society. The Ha are animists, worshipping their ancestors including nature spirits. They devotedly and successfully practice sorcery, the number one killer of development. Because of this, schools, hospitals, even the police and other important institutions are paralyzed. There is only one way out to break the destructive spell: The message of Jesus Christ.
We pay special attention to regions where Jesus is not known. For example, in addition to unreached people groups in the southern part of Tanzania on the border with Mozambique, we also have the Ha on our radar.
The Ha tribe, with about two million members, settles in the region around Lake Tanganyika in western Tanzania and Burundi. The Ha practice agriculture and – where there are no tsetse flies - also cattle breeding. Cattle, goats, and other livestock are highly valued in Ha society. The Ha are animists, worshipping their ancestors including nature spirits. They devotedly and successfully practice sorcery, the number one killer of development. Because of this, schools, hospitals, even the police and other important institutions are paralyzed. There is only one way out to break the destructive spell: The message of Jesus Christ.

September 18 2024
Flucht vor der Zwangsehe
In Tansania ist es keine Seltenheit, dass Mädchen von ihren Eltern sehr früh verheiratet werden. Der Wille der »glücklichen Braut« spielt dabei ke ...

July 17 2024
Geschwister vereint
Einige Jahren lebte Baraka in unserem Kinderdorf »Agape Children‘s Village« von seinen Geschwistern getrennt. Nun sind die drei wieder vereint. ...

November 01 2023
Als der Mann das Feld mähte und mit der Sense eine Plastiktüte wegschlug, hörte er herzzerreißendes Babygeschrei und sah Blut. ...

July 19 2023
Start in ein neues Leben
Letzten November sandten wir Simon nach Tansania als Mitarbeiter ins AVC Kinderheim in Morogoro. Er gibt uns Einblicke in sein neues Leben dort. ...

September 18 2024
Flucht vor der Zwangsehe
In Tansania ist es keine Seltenheit, dass Mädchen von ihren Eltern sehr früh verheiratet werden. Der Wille der »glücklichen Braut« spielt dabei ke ...

July 17 2024
Geschwister vereint
Einige Jahren lebte Baraka in unserem Kinderdorf »Agape Children‘s Village« von seinen Geschwistern getrennt. Nun sind die drei wieder vereint. ...

November 01 2023
Als der Mann das Feld mähte und mit der Sense eine Plastiktüte wegschlug, hörte er herzzerreißendes Babygeschrei und sah Blut. ...

July 19 2023
Start in ein neues Leben
Letzten November sandten wir Simon nach Tansania als Mitarbeiter ins AVC Kinderheim in Morogoro. Er gibt uns Einblicke in sein neues Leben dort. ...